After graduating from high school, you may not want to consider graduate programs immediately, but you may find that it’s easier to keep going to school right after finishing high school. Likewise, you may not want to work dead-end jobs while you decide what you want, but a Master of Arts degree can be the perfect solution. Once you’ve decided what you want to study and have completed your Bachelor’s, you may choose to consider a Master’s degree so that you stand apart from the competition.
Methods of Teaching
Most graduate programs focus on small-group and one-on-one interactions, as well as collaboration and mentorship. You learn the theories, but you also get a hands-on approach, as well, ensuring that it is balanced. You may also have more freedom when choosing courses and will find seemingly endless Master of Art degrees from which to choose.
Skills Acquired
While you will gain technical skills, you’ll also get to hone your soft skills, such as logical thinking, critical analysis, and power of inquiry. You will also learn how to apply the theoretical knowledge to the current issues facing the art world. Along with everything else graduate programs do focus on written/oral expressions, problem-solving and presentation skills, though you will also learn a lot of that when getting your undergrad degree.
More Social-Centric
You may also find that you have a more mainstream approach when it comes to theory applications. You can consider the business theory from anthropological, social, ethical, and psychological perspectives rather than from scientific perspectives. You’ve also got many choices, such as architecture, ceramics, fiber/materials, performance, print media, sound, and more.
Graduate programs are perfect for those who want to get their education first and have a better job later. Visit the School of the Art Institute of Chicago at to learn more.