Eating disorders common in children and teens include compulsive-obsessive eating, anorexia nervosa as well as bulimia and dieting along with restrictive eating. website says adults can often channel their feelings into various activities like smoking, drinking or working, among other things, to make them feel better. Children, however, commonly have access to food. That’s why it’s easy for a lot of kids to develop into emotional eaters. With access to food, they find it easy to ‘stuff their feelings.’
Types of Eating Disorders
Anorexia – This is when your teen has an almost obsessively intense fear of getting fat. It’s a belief that can persist even if they’re already underweight or emaciated. They could believe they’re not thin enough. Those afflicted with anorexia might often reduce their weight by resorting to exercise, diet pills or purging.
Bulimia – This is what happens when your teen is locked in a horrible cycle of going on a binge, purging and doing it all over again. People with bulimia tend to purge themselves after bingeing in control to get rid of the extra calories. Some even take laxatives to control their weight. They also exercise and diet.
Binge Eating – If you notice your teen overeating, that can be a sign of binge eating. Binge eaters often suffer from guilt and shame over their behavior but feel unable to stop even when they feel full.
Dieting and Restrictive Eating – Your child or teen demonstrate an unhealthy preoccupation with staying thin. They weigh themselves obsessively, all the time, and are usually unreasonable about their restrictions in their diet. Others might simply mistake this this as a sign that the child is being a picky eater so the child or teen isn’t able to get help for the condition right away.
Getting Help
If you suspect your teen suffers from an eating disorder, then look for a center for treating eating disorders in Los Angeles right away. The sooner you get them professional help, the sooner they have the tools to cope and manage the condition. This can help them recover sooner as well.
Dealing with Eating Disorders
If you suspect your teen suffers from an eating disorder, then your next conversations should largely include the following, says website.
- Your concern for their health.
- Don’t say a thing about how they look
- Don’t expect them to change right away
- Don’t shame them, blame them for their actions or make them feel guilty
So be on the lookout for signs that your teenager suffers from any of these eating disorders common in adolescents. That way, you could get them the right treatment sooner.
At Adolescent Growth, we help your children recover from eating disorders that compromise their health. To know more about our services, talk to us.