5 Smart Inspection Tips Before You Buy a Used Boat

by | Apr 11, 2018 | Business

When it comes to buying a used boat, it’s smart not to presume anything. Use the following tips to inspect your boats for issues and problems.

Walk around the boat

Do a visual check of everything, from the hull to the stem, from the chines to the strakes. Since these parts often suffer from impact, you’re likely to find cracks in these places. If there are plenty of stress-crack patterns, the boat may need to be repaired. That can drive down the price if you still have your eyes set on that model.

Look for seepage

Look for the outboard cowling. Is there seepage? If you see dry white curtains beyond the head gasket, then that’s a yes. That means another round of repairs, which add to the potential costs you’ll need to shell out to get the boat in shape. Keep that in mind when you shop around for used boats in Gainesville.

Check the dipstick

Does it have a burnt smell? Does the oil appear milky? Check if there’s water in it. All these problems could mean you’ll need to have the boat’s oil changed as soon as possible. You could bring that up when you try to negotiate for the sale price. That or ask the buyer to cover the cost.

Inspect for leaks

Has the boat been sitting in the water for two or three months? That could result in gas in the tank. You’ll need to inspect the fuel lines and the tank for possible leaks, the Boating says.

Search for missing parts

Does it seem like there’s something missing? Hire a boat dealer to help you find used boats in Gainesville that aren’t going to give you a ton of stress and headache. A dealer can guide your buying choices so you won’t end up shelling money out for a stripped boat.

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