The move towards video in the majority of marketing campaigns has been speedy in the last few years with most businesses just like yours looking in this direction. When you are wanting to make an impact in a short way you will often feel as though you are best to look towards uploading your content to the internet in its many different forms. However, with up to seven hours of storage times, the use of Blu-ray discs is something you should be exploring with the aid of our authoring services.
What is Meant by Blu-Ray Authoring?
Your marketing campaigns and the information you assemble about your products may be too large to be uploaded to a social media platform or other video broadcasting site. Having a hard copy of your business information and marketing using Blu-ray discs is part of our Blu-ray authoring services. When you use our Blu-ray authoring services you are moving your information from a range of different sources to an optical disc usually capable of holding up to seven hours of information.
Blu-Ray is a Popular Option
When you are looking to bring all the necessary information to do with your business or specific products to the market you will want it stored in a portable and protected way. Polymers can be added to the Blu-ray discs used that will allow you to be sure they will not be scratched or damaged due to everyday use. Contact Chromavision at to learn more about the use of Blu-ray.