Three Little-Known Ways Chiropractors Help Alleviate Pain in San Diego

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Chiropractic

A chiropractor in San Diego, CA does more than help people with back and neck pain. These professionals can reduce or alleviate migraines, jaw pain, and pinched nerves. If you are looking to take a non-pharmaceutical approach to healthcare, chiropractic treatment is an avenue you should explore.


There is no doubt that headaches can be debilitating, and medicine is the traditional treatment. A chiropractor in San Diego, CA can help alleviate stress in the neck, shoulders, and back, which might be contributing to the pain. Other causes of headaches are whiplash and sleeping posture. These professionals can help you correct ergonomic issues and offer lifestyle advice.

Jaw Pain

If you have facial or neck pain, TMJ, which is a joint problem, maybe the culprit. Many people believe it is a dental issue, but the pain could stem from a misaligned jaw. This condition can lead to inflammation, spasms, and possibly a locked jaw if left untreated. TMJ pain can spread down the neck and into the shoulders.

Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve can cause more than pain. This disorder can severely limit your mobility and cause numbness. The area around the pinched nerve may also become sensitive. Chiropractic treatment can take the pressure off the nerve. You may be able to reduce your need for pain medication or avoid surgery. If a herniated disc is pinching the nerve, your chiropractor may use decompression therapy coupled with traditional adjustments. Decompression treatment can increase circulation and facilitate the healing process. Chiropractors offer non-surgical treatment options for many ailments.

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