Choices You Have for an Air Conditioner Installation in Colorado Springs

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Air Conditioning

Here, we’ll talk about two choices that you have for an air conditioner installation in Colorado Springs: the old standby window air conditioner and a newer cooling system called the mini-split. Even though each system has pros and cons, the mini-split is a much better choice for most people regarding efficiency, energy bills, real cooling, blocking the view, and several other issues.

Window AC Unit

The window air conditioner has its benefits. It’s easy to set up and most people can do it on their own. It cools the whole room well and it’s cheap to buy. If you move a lot, it makes sense to put in, take out, and put back in a window air conditioner. Unfortunately, this is about the only time when it makes sense to buy one. If you can buy a mini-split and don’t move homes much, it makes sense to go with one.

Mini Split

Regarding an air conditioner installation in Colorado Springs, mini splits are very energy-efficient, save money on cooling costs, run quietly, and can be added to. One outdoor condenser coil can run up to four indoor units, so the system can be made bigger and bigger as needed to fit large American homes without having to take out all the windows.

They are almost silent and don’t have any ducts. Because they don’t need ductwork, there’s no need to cut holes in your home’s walls. If you’ve been told that you can’t run ductwork or install central air in your home for any reason, mini-splits are a much smarter, safer, and more efficient option than window air conditioners.

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