Understanding The Goals Of Hospice Palliative Care In Sun City West

by | Mar 16, 2016 | Healthcare

The differences between hospice and palliative care can be confusing. Hospice care is recommended for terminally ill patients. However, palliative care is for those with serious illnesses. These people are not terminal and still want medical treatment. The main goal of hospice care is to keep patients comfortable. Likewise, professionals help patients and families deal with the end of life situations. The treatments are similar in that patients can stay at home or in a facility. Likewise, all patients are overseen by a team including doctors, nurses and social workers.

Who needs palliative care? People who have a chronic illness and want help managing it. Palliative Care facilities provide help for patients with several illnesses, including:

  • stroke
  • cancer
  • renal failure
  • Alzheimer’s
  • congestive heart failure

Patients needing Hospice Palliative Care in Sun City West should not worry about cost. Most insurance will cover palliative care. And, Medicaid and Medicare pay 100 percent of hospice costs. People with chronic illnesses have difficulty coping with their symptoms. The palliative care team helps with issues like fatigue, insomnia, pain, depression and loss of appetite. Doctors usually do not make a hospice referral until a patient has six months or less to live. Indeed, hospice is a philosophy, as well as a treatment. Caregivers focus on easing pain rather than treatment. Most hospice patients have a say in their care. And, they have made a decision to concentrate on the quality of life, rather than quantity.

Similarly, palliative care helps sick people have a better quality of life. The care team explains the options to patients. For instance, you may talk about a treatment that makes you sick. However, treatment is continued because you want to live. After this talk, the nurse may ask the doctor for medicine that helps with side effects. Frequently, it is easier to explain things to professionals rather than family members. A palliative care team often includes a psychiatrist or a clergy member. They help people with chronic illnesses manage depression. If you need Hospice Palliative Care in Sun City West, call your doctor today. Taking advantage of available options helps the patient and their family.

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