Benefits of Purchasing an RV Warranty

by | Mar 12, 2019 | Directory Search

RVs represent a significant investment. As a result, you want to make sure it’s properly protected. The best way to do this is by purchasing a quality RV warranty. However, if you aren’t convinced this is an investment worth making, keep reading. Here you can learn all the benefits offered by an RV warranty.

Peace of Mind

When you have the right warranty for your RV, you have a higher level of peace of mind. RV breakdowns are going to happen. In fact, eight out of every 10 motorhomes will breakdown by their fifth year, simply from being on the road. When you have the right warranty in place, you won’t have to worry about how you’re going to afford the repairs; they will be covered. This ensures your investment is protected.


Your RV is a huge investment. You could spend five to six figures on this home on wheels. As a result, when repairs are needed, they can also be quite costly. For example, the transmission can cost more than $12,000 and a simple refrigerator replacement can be more than $3000. With a warranty in place, you don’t have to park your RV and wait to get the money for the repairs. The warranty will cover these things and more. In the long run, you will likely save quite a bit when a breakdown inevitably occurs.

If you own an RV, the smartest thing you can do is purchase an RV warranty. In the long-run, this is a purchase that pays off.

Find out more about RV warranties by visiting the Good Sam Auto & RV website.

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