Components In AR 15 Kits

by | Aug 8, 2016 | Gun Shooting

Lower kits, also known as AR 15 kits, are a simple option to replace a full lower on the AR 15. These kits are a great option for anyone from a novice working on their first AR 15 to an experienced gun owner who has completed the process with several weapons.

The benefit to choosing AR 15 kits is that you have everything that is needed for a full replacement of the current lower receiver. The kit itself contains about 30 parts, but there are some kits that also include the grip, which will make a difference in the total parts included.

When choosing a kit with a pistol grip, there will be different options in designs and types. Typically, there will be a few options in pistol grip designs and features, so it is important to make sure you choose the correct option to suit the look and the grip that is right for your needs.

Color Coding

Some, but not all companies producing AR 15 kits make it really easy for the buyers. They actually color code the kit itself with each specific part in a color corresponding to a specific part of the lower receiver.

This is a great option for those working on this a do-it-yourself project. Even when replacing a lower on a second or third weapon the color coding is a great feature to consider. With color coding, there is much less risk of mistaking parts, particularly the pins and springs. By carefully placing everything out on a clean, level surface in the color groups, confusion with parts can be avoided even on the first time through the job.

The Benefits of a Kit

In addition to having all the parts you need in the kit, there is also the benefit of knowing that all the parts are fully compatible. Parting out the lower through different component manufacturers can create some compatibility issues that can make the job a lot more challenging than it needs to be. There will be no need to try to force part into place; rather everything should slide in and fit.

The parts in the kit are also carefully stored to prevent any type of exposure to moisture. They will usually have a light coating of oil that should be removed prior to use. This can be done with a soft, lint-free cloth just before working on the lower receiver.

At Precision Reflex, Inc. we provide the AR 15 kits you need to replace the lower receiver of your AR 15. To see more, visit us online at URL

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