Eczema Treatment in Maple Grove, MN: When to Seek Help

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Health & Fitness

Eczema is a skin condition that can affect people of any age. It’s most common among children and adolescents but can also affect adults. If you’re looking for eczema treatment in Maple Grove, MN, it’s important to know when to seek help from a professional.

Let’s explore the tell-tale signs that indicate you need to get help from a qualified provider.

Recurring Flare-Ups

When someone has eczema, they may experience flare-ups periodically, usually due to triggers such as stress or allergens. If you or your child are experiencing frequent flare-ups that don’t seem to be responding to home remedies such as hydrocortisone cream or oatmeal baths, then it could be time to visit an eczema specialist.

A professional can create an individualized eczema rash treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and underlying causes of eczema so you can find lasting relief.


Another sign that it might be time for professional help is if your skin shows signs of infection, such as oozing or crusting lesions. These could be signs that bacteria have gotten into the open sores caused by scratching and rubbing due to itchiness, a common symptom of eczema.

An infection should always be treated quickly and properly with appropriate antibiotics or topical medications prescribed by a doctor; otherwise, it could lead to complications like cellulitis.

Painful Skin Issues

Eczema can sometimes cause very painful skin issues, such as blisters and sores on the hands and feet, which can interfere with daily activities including walking, typing, cooking, and more. Painful skin issues are another indication that seeking eczema treatment in Maple Grove, MN, from an experienced dermatologist is necessary to get relief and prevent further complications in the future.

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