Everything You Should Know About Weed Tinctures in Spokane, WA

by | Nov 28, 2022 | Cannabis Store

The possession and sale of recreational marijuana have been legal in Washington state since 2012 for any adult over the age of 21. For many adults who might otherwise want to experience recreational marijuana, the process of smoking weed can be unpleasant. For these adults, weed tincture in Spokane might provide an alternative.

What Are Weed Tinctures?

A weed tincture in Spokane is simply the result of a marijuana plant being soaked in strong alcohol. After soaking, the mixture is strained and the remaining liquid is typically enjoyed under the tongue. Although most tinctures are made with alcohol, some are made with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, instead.

What Do Weed Tinctures Look Like?

The exact physical appearance of a weed tincture can vary depending on the strength and type of marijuana used. However, tinctures are typically dark green and stored in small bottles. The bottles typically have a pump spray or dropper.

How Are Tinctures Different From Edibles?

Edibles are eaten and consumed through the stomach and the liver, which increases the THC effects. In contrast, a weed tincture enters the body through the tongue and do not enter the digestive system. As a result, the high feeling will be more immediate and weaker with a tincture than with most edibles.

Why Do People Choose Weed Tinctures Over Other Methods?

Weed tinctures tend to be more discreet than other forms of weed. They leave no lingering smell and can be carried with you easily. The tinctures also allow you greater precision when dosing.

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