Everything Your Lawyer is Going to Need to Review Your Lemon Law Case

by | Apr 25, 2018 | Law Services

Purchasing a new car should be a rewarding experience, but that is not always the case. There are times when your purchase comes with a number of issues. Perhaps you already took your car into the shop for repairs but had to bring the car back several times. It is time to consider Maryland Lemon Law because you’ve got a lemon. The following are some things you are going to need to submit a case.

Vehicle Repair History

One thing you are going to need in order to submit a Maryland Lemon Law case is your car’s repair history. Most likely you are going to be able to produce your service log because this is a new car, so it is normally under warranty. You should make copies of this history for safekeeping, but this information is going to help your lawyer.

Take Out Sales Documents

Your lawyer is going to need the documentation you received when you purchased your car. It might be a good idea to read over some of the details of the sale so that you and your lawyer are on the same page. It is okay if you do not know everything because you are just getting a general idea of the details of the sale.

Warranties or Coverage Documentation

The paperwork that was issued to you when you were given your warranty, or when you purchased additional coverage, is going to be vital. You want to make sure you provide all these documents to your lawyer when stating your case. Be sure to pay close attention to the details surrounding the car issues you are dealing with.

A trustworthy lawyer from firms like Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® will probably ask you to submit a statement regarding the car’s poor performance. You can visit them online to learn more or to ask additional questions about your particular case.

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