Get Your Adolescent Involved in Their Mental Health Treatment

by | Aug 9, 2017 | Health & Fitness

As a parent, it’s tough to see your adolescent go through struggles with mental health. You did the hardest part of recognizing the signs and talking to your child about seeking therapy, but now it’s time to find a therapist. Getting your child involved in choosing their therapist is a way to give them back some control at this hard time. Here are some tips to involve your child in choosing an adolescent therapy center in Burnsville or your city.

Primary Care

Your adolescent’s primary care doctor might have some referrals based on what they exhibit. Schedule an appointment to discuss the topic, but let your adolescent guide the conversation. Don’t share any details of their condition without their consent. It should be their choice to share their mental health details, so keep what they’ve told you confidential.

If they’re guiding the conversation with primary care, they’re more likely to be comfortable sharing details than if you shared them. You might even consider staying in the waiting room if they want some privacy.


Find out everything you can about potential mental health care providers. Research information on the practice as a whole and the specific provider your child can see. Present your adolescent with the information and let them read through to make a choice. You want them to be comfortable with where they’re going.

Final Decision

You need to be comfortable leaving your child in a vulnerable position with the therapist, so your opinion does matter in the first meeting. However, your adolescent’s opinion is the most important. Unless you get a strange feeling from the therapist, let your child make the decision whether or not to stay with that provider. Make it clear that if they want to switch for any reason, they can.

Your adolescent’s struggle with mental health is scary for both of you. It’s an important time to be open and understanding to the needs of your child. In a time of feeling out of control, involving your child in choosing their adolescent therapy center and therapist is a good way to give them back some control and comfort.

If you need an adolescent therapy center in Burnsville, contact Options Family & Behavioral Services. Find them online at

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