Your company does not need to be a global conglomerate to organize a corporate event. However, you will need to set a budget for the event that will dictate, to a certain amount, what you can offer. By involving an event producer in the early stages when you are contemplating a corporate event, you may be able to use their knowledge and wisdom to get more bang for your bucks.
Exhibition, Conference or B2B?
Whatever the event is that you decide to use to promote your organization, it is the team that organizes and runs the event, that will be responsible for the level of success that it achieves. Your management team runs your organization and unless you have a brilliant expert that has managed a wide variety of corporate events, it makes sense to bring in an event producer from a highly recommended events company.
The producer is the individual, with the backing of a full team, that arranges the whole event from the planning stage, through practice sessions and the event itself. Just in the same way that a movie is written by the screenplay writer, individual shots organized by the director, it is the producer of the movie that has overall control of the budget and everything that happens.
How Can the Producer Help?
You may have held corporate events before or this might be your first step in this direction. A corporate event helps boost the profile of your business and can include your employees, potential and current customers, suppliers, the press and anyone that you feel will benefit from exposure to your event.
Some businesses choose to set up a regular industry event and place themselves as the main sponsor and organizer, while inviting smaller competitors to share the space and expense.
The event producer will pull together the team necessary to help show off your event. This may include organizing market research, the establishing of a new database for potential visitors and trawling through a variety of speakers, celebrities or not, to make major speeches during your event.
Whether you are choosing to use the event as a sales opportunity or just for marketing, the event producer will need to be involved throughout the entire process. Their input will become invaluable as you delve into areas which are outside of your comfort zone. Should you wish to speak at the event, sending you into a mild panic, having the events team selection of professional speaker may ensure that the conference or product launch, fill sufficient marketing pages in the press.