When one member of a relationship considers suggests joining couples counseling, the other side usually responds by questioning whether couples counseling actually works. The hesitation is completely understandable and normal, but with the right information at your disposal, the two of you can make an informed decision about your relationship and whether therapy is right for you.
To ensure that you both are open to the idea of visiting relationship Counseling Royal Oak Mi, below is an overview of how relationship counseling works to help set your relationship on the right track for long-term success.
Agreement is the First Success
While you both may not realize it, the mutual decision to visit a couple’s therapist already shows that you both are invested and care enough about your relationship to get the help you need. Couple’s therapy and the entire process involved continues to work in the same manner. Therapy is an ongoing process of addressing issues, discussion, and finding a common ground that the two of you can agree upon in an open and healthy manner.
Identifying Triggers
When you visit a relationship counselor, the therapist will address issues that the two of you feel most comfortable talking about at the onset. But, as sessions delve deeper into the relationship, certain triggers are going to come to light.
Triggers are undiscussed problems that the two of you keep to yourselves on a regular basis. By bringing these triggers to each other’s attention, you can work through them in a conductive manner with the therapist. In addition, the two of you will notice that you feel less and less reluctant to talk as time goes on, which in turn fosters better communication and relationship skills.
Fears and Concerns
Many relationships Counseling Royal Oak Mi also work to improve your relationship during your therapy sessions by persuading you to discuss your fears and concerns with one another. Fears are what lead most couples to disengage and distance themselves from the other person.
By addressing each other’s fears and concerns, the two of you will be able to overcome one of the most significant challenges in your relationship. Moreover, you’ll also be able to understand how your partner really fees going forward and what you can do to help them feel more secure and confident in your relationship. By touching upon this issue and those above, couples therapy truly works to bring the two of you together. To book an appointment, contact Robert Flewelling at 248-439-0383.