Just about every pet owner knows he or she should be scheduling regular well-pet exams at least once a year. Many otherwise well-meaning pet owners don’t realize they should also be having their pets’ teeth cleaned and evaluated, though.
A pet’s dental health is just as important as his or her owner’s. The best thing for pet owners to do is to look into Veterinary Dentistry in Alexandria and begin taking their animals in for routine yearly visits before anything goes wrong. Those who have never taken their pets to the dentist should keep an eye out for the following signs that it’s time to schedule an appointment.
Bad Breath
It may be tempting to assume a dog’s breath is just naturally stinky, but this is not actually the case. In reality, bad breath in dogs and cats often has the same source as bad breath in people: gingivitis. Taking the affected pet to a veterinary dentist won’t just make their breath less unpleasant but will also allow the owner to have the underlying gum disease treated, avoiding more serious problems in the future.
Broken or Loose Teeth
If an animal has a broken or loose tooth, it may need to be removed to prevent infection and unnecessary pain. Most pet owners don’t routinely stick their fingers in their animals’ mouths to feel for damage, so it’s important that they pay attention to behavioral signs so they’ll know when it’s time to look into Veterinary Dentistry in Alexandria.
Animals that are experiencing tooth pain often begin to exhibit reduced appetites or even refuse food entirely. They may also continue to eat but experience abnormal chewing problems or drooling and may drop food from their mouths. Some animals may also become lethargic or irritable due to their dental pain.
Swelling and Bleeding
Household pets that have developed oral bleeding or swelling around their mouths without an obviously benign cause should always be taken to a veterinary dentist as soon as possible. The animal may be suffering from a painful oral disease, an infection, tooth damage, or another potentially serious issue. Visit Website Domain to find out what to do next.