A newly built home without any yard features or an older, neglected property that needs a complete overhaul require a carefully thought out design plan. Money and time are saved by preventing mistakes by taking the time to create a plan that includes everything the family wants in their yard. Putting the plan into action does not have to be overwhelming or budget-breaking if it is done over a few years. Here are some ideas about how to accomplish this task.
Choose a Side
Redesign one side of the yard around the home each year. Start with the front yard on the first year to provide an instant boost to the home’s curb appeal. Work in a clockwork pattern to complete the landscape design over the next few years. Or break very large yards into grids and work on improving each grid over a selected period of time.
Pick a Plant
Start by planting all of the hedges or add a line of a specific species of trees. Fill a garden row in front of the home with a favorite type of flower. Novice gardeners will appreciate having only a single item at a time to learn about. It will be less stressful to add more items once that initial addition is established and its needs are memorized by the caretaker.
Build in Stages
Choose to improve the grass one year and add all of the flowers the next. Include a vegetable garden or some fruit trees one season and work on hardscapes like patios and walkways the following year. Complete the look by adding one or two features every summer once all of the trees and plants are in place and established.
Using the services of a professional landscaper makes Landscape Design Charlotte NC much easier. Their knowledge will prevent adding something where it cannot thrive or the common mistake of adding plants that require more time than the homeowner can spare. Their experts also help homeowners to add first what will provide the biggest visual impact. The obvious improvements encourage homeowners to continue working on their plan, so the entire yard looks as beautiful as the completed project.
Stewart’s Landscaping design and install landscaping for homes and business in the area, ensuring an exceptional appearance. Visit them online for more details.