There Are Ways To Deal With Dental Anxiety

by | Dec 16, 2015 | Dentist

Very few people actually enjoy a visit to the dentist but they manage. There are some people that are so frightened of the dentist that they avoid getting the dental care that they need. These people suffer from what is known as “dental anxiety,” it is a major problem among about 15 percent of people in the US.

The problem is not as bad among the younger generation that have been exposed to advanced approaches to dental car, it is more often a problem with older people, those that experienced dental care that was nearly as advanced as it is today. In the past anesthesia was not as effective and the sad truth is, dentists were less focused on the comfort of patients. Fortunately great strides have been made in this area and a typical dentist in Chicago IL now numerous ways to ensure that patients are comfortable during their visits.

For those people that do suffer from dental anxiety there are strategies that they can employ to help calm their fears.

Perhaps the best thing that any patient can do is to simply talk to their dentist in Chicago IL about their fears. Never forget, dentists are also patients, they too have their teeth worked on and they know exactly what the feelings are. Don’t hesitate to tell your dentist what your fears are and what might be behind them in the first place.

Talking to the dentist before a procedure is all well and good, what do you do when you have a mouth full of instruments? Dentists are masters at listening to patients that “talk with their hands,” if you feel the least bit of discomfort, raise a hand. When the dentist knows you are a little distressed it is easy to adjust the anesthesia to ensure that you are comfortable.

Another good way to deal with dental anxiety is to become distracted. In many modern dental practices there are TVs and videos that patients can watch. Consider bring along your portable music player, plug yourself in via the headphones and simply let your mind free itself of what is going on.

A dentist in Chicago IL works with patients all day long; he or she knows when a patient is uncomfortable. Many dentists today practice minimal sedation dentistry. Minimal sedation results in reduced anxiety but does not dull your attention, you can still respond to the dentist’s instructions.
If you are one of the many people who are frightened with the thoughts of a dental appointment you need to look for a dentist in Chicago IL that understands your fear and has ways of dealing with it. You are invited to make an appointment with Dr. Peter M. Tomaselli at Chicago Smile Design.

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