Three Places Where You Should Put a Wayfinding Sign at Your Facility

by | Aug 2, 2019 | Business

When a lot of people come to your facility, your staff could spend an inordinate amount of time giving out directions. At a large facility with many parking lots, elevator banks, waiting areas, restrooms and more, it is important to have clear and concise wayfinding signs. When you are ordering customized wayfinding signs in Illinois, consider ordering them specifically for these places at your facility.

Outside Elevator Banks

When people disembark from the elevator, they need to figure out where to go next. Wall or hanging signs that use arrows to direct people as to which way they need to go make the person’s visit to your facility more pleasant. In most cases, the suspended directional signs can function as a supplement to a wall-mounted sign or cabinet sign near the elevators. If you have signs placed anywhere in your facilities, you need to have them outside elevators to help direct people where they need to go when they disembark from them.

Near the Restrooms

Another place in your facility to put the wayfinding signs in Illinois is near the restrooms. The bathrooms are one of the most commonly needed parts of your facility. You may wish to have both hanging directional signs as well as ADA compliant signs posted on the wall. These signs will reduce the number of times that your staff has to help people find the bathrooms.

In Driveways and Parking Lots

Expansive facilities often have multiple entrances, exits and parking areas. If your parking lot has separate areas for employees versus patients or visitors, use directional signs to show where people should go. For example, a hospital might have a directional sign that shows where to go for emergencies, where to go for employee parking, where patients should park and where visitors should park. If you have an entrance for employees only and a different one for guests, directional signs facilitate traffic flow.

For more information on wayfinding signs in Illinois, contact Quantum Sign Corp through their website today.

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