Treatments for Ingrown Toenails Offered by Hyde Park Podiatrists

by | Feb 12, 2024 | Podiatrist

Ingrown toenails can be caused by improper trimming, toe injuries, and ill-fitting shoes, leading to extreme pain and difficulty in wearing shoes or walking. If not recognized and treated, they can result in severe soft tissue infections of the affected toe. Here are some ways your Hyde Park podiatry professional can treat your ingrown toenail to restore your foot health.

Incision and Drainage

During your Hyde Park podiatry visit, your foot doctor can make a small incision in the soft tissue of the affected toe. They can then remove the embedded ingrown toenail, relieving your pain and preventing further injury to your toe. If the toe is infected with pus, the podiatrist may drain the pus through the incision and may irrigate the area with sterile water or saline solution. After the ingrown toenail and pus have been removed from the soft tissue, the healing process can begin.

Dressing and Antibiotics

After the incision and drainage procedure, your podiatrist will apply a topical antibiotic ointment over the affected area on your toe, followed by the application of a bandage or dressing. If your toe is severely infected, your foot doctor may also prescribe a course of oral antibiotics to enhance the antimicrobial effects of the topical antibiotic. Adhere to your podiatrist’s post-procedure instructions for removing your dressing, bathing, applying your topical antibiotic, and returning to the office for a follow-up examination.

To make an appointment with a podiatrist, contact Mitchell Foot & Ankle. Visit for more information!

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