Can A Disability Lawyer Speed Up Approval Of A Claim?

by | Nov 13, 2017 | Law Services

Although there is no “fast track” for those claiming Social Security disability benefits there are things that a disability lawyer in Kansas City knows that you don’t that just might speed up the decision-making.

Approval on the initial claim:

The process of claiming Social Security disability benefits begins with the initial claim and works its way through a lengthy appeals process in the event the initial claim is not approved. The facts are not promising; it is estimated that about two-thirds of all applicants are denied benefits when they first claim. The appeals process can easily take a year or more. A disability lawyer has a great deal of knowledge and experience, they know what the SSA is looking for, and this insight can help you be approved at the initial application stage. A seasoned disability lawyer in Kansas City can:

  • Help you complete the claim form so that the information is clear and concise and shows exactly how you meet the definition in the “Blue Book” and can show how your disability stops you from seeking gainful employment.
  • Gather and submit meaningful medical evidence that supports your claim.
  • Solicit assistance from your doctor

Helping you get approved at the hearing stage:

If you did not work with a disability lawyer when you first applied and your claim was denied, you will invariably be called to present your case to an Administrative Law Judge. Prior to the hearing, your lawyer will prepare you to give honest and straightforward answers to questions that may be asked. In this way, you can provide the ALJ with the specifics of your disabling condition including the limitations that you have.

If you have witnesses that you believe can help during the hearing, your lawyer will work with them as well to ensure they give the information needed to prove your claim.

There is no “magic” way to speed up your case; a knowledgeable lawyer can certainly improve the chances of approval when you first apply which means your benefits start earlier than they might otherwise.

A disability lawyer in Kansas City can help prepare your claim for Social Security disability benefits, which may speed up approval. For a free evaluation of your case, you are invited to contact the Grundy Disability Group. Follow us on twitter.

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