The judicial system in the state of Kansas imposes harsh penalties for criminal infractions. The imposed sentence is based on the nature of the crime, its severity, and a previous criminal record. If you are arrested, you should hire a Criminal Attorney in Newton KS to construct your defense.
Criminal Penalties in Kansas
Domestic violence is a growing problem in the U.S. As such; the state of Kansas has created State Codes that apply to the punishment of these infractions. Domestic battery as clarified in State Code 21-3412 imposes a penalty of six months in jail with a fine that ranges from $200 up to $500 for a first-offense. The second offense incurs a jail sentence of no more than one year and fines between $500 and $1,000.
A third offense is classified as a felony. It requires a fine that is no less than $1,000 and no more than $2,500 and one year in county lock up. Hazing in colleges is classified under these laws and imposes a fine up to $1,000 and jail term of no more than six months.
Criminal death is defined by the circumstances that surrounded the event and how it took place. The state imposes penalties based on State Code 21-3403 through 21-3439. Involuntary and voluntary manslaughter are classified as felony charges and impose fines and restitution of no more than $300,000. Voluntary manslaughter incurs a prison term of sixty-one months; involuntary infractions result in thirty-four months.
Capital murder is punishable by the death penalty in Kansas as outlined in State Code 21-3439. 1st degree premeditated murder results in life imprisonment, however, he or she is eligible for parole after twenty-five years. Felony murder incurs the same sentence, yet; the convicted individual is eligible for parole after twenty years.
Second degree reckless murder is punishable by one hundred twenty-three months in prison and fines of no more than $300,000. Intentional second degree murder incurs a prison sentence of one hundred sixty-five months and maximum fines of $300,000. If you are accused of murder in Kansas, you should hire a Criminal Attorney in Newton KS without delay by visiting website immediately.