Gastroenterologist in Houston, TX: 3 Signs You Need a GI Doctor

by | Apr 21, 2023 | Directory Search

A gastroenterologist is essential to a person’s digestive health, but not many people know when it’s time to see one. Individuals having any kind of digestive issues should seek a professional to effectively correct the issue. Read on for three signs it’s time to see a gastroenterologist.

  1. Consistent Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be caused by many things like food poisoning, infection, and medications. But if a person’s stool is consistently more liquid than solid, it’s time to consider a GI doctor to understand what may be going on.

Chronic diarrhea could indicate a digestive disorder. It’s essential to get help as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

  1. Constipation

On the other end, constipation is also a sign that it’s time to visit a GI doctor. Constipation can be caused by many things, such as living a certain lifestyle or taking certain medications. Constipation that has lasted more than a week needs remediation to prevent problems from worsening.

  1. Unusual Bloating

Bloating makes the stomach feel full and tight. Most people feel bloated if they’ve eaten too much after a meal. Bloating is a result of excess gas production, having a hypersensitivity to gas, or gas being trapped in the colon.

A gastroenterologist can help individuals identify what may be causing the gas to occur.

Improve Digestive Health with a GI Doctor

Digestive health is important for the human body. Dawn Stoecker-Simon, MD offers gastroenterology care to patients in Houston. For individuals looking for a “Gastroenterologist Near Me in Houston, TX“,

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