If you were to compare the cost of your property now to when you first purchased it, how do you think those figures would look? Property value can depreciate quite rapidly, just like the value of a car! Unless you set aside a little time to protect your investment with home repair services, you could be left out of pocket, should you decide to pack up and relocate one day. Splashing a little cash on these services could not only prevent you from having to fork out for expensive repairs but also, it could boost the value of your home. Here’s how.
Window and Door Fitting
Are you aware of how much heat your home is losing? Take a look at your energy bills and you might be surprised! Even the smallest of leaks in window and door seals can result in heat loss or invite unwelcome draughts. When window and door fitting is completed by someone with relevant experience in the home repair industry, windows and doors will be completely weatherproof. Think about getting double glazed glass installed with these home enhancements if you want to further improve property insulation.
Painting and Plastering
Over time, it is common for paint to peel and flake, particularly if the paint is on the exterior of a property or on furnishings that are exposed to a medley of weather conditions. Home repair specialists will know just the right type of paint to use and will normally apply a top coat for added protection. This is a good opportunity to introduce a brand new colour theme that flows throughout the home and attracts potential buyers. Plastering is another one of the many services offered by renovation companies, and this will be necessary if walls are crumbling or have holes in them as a result of pictures being hung.
Fences and Gates
A house that looks good on the inside should look equally as good on the outside. With that being said, it’s worth asking the home repair and renovation company you plan on working with if they can fit fences and gates. There are various styles to decipher between, such as metal gates, wooden fences, pitched fences and security gates. A security gate will add extra privacy to the home and will also enhance security, because it will be crafted with strong steel and a locking mechanism, so consider this if you want to heighten home security and improve property value.
Home repair and renovations are offered by the experienced workers at Think Pink Handyman. Call 0498 256 987 to get serviced in Hawthorne, St Kilda and surrounding areas.