Landscaping Services in Oshkosh WI Help Customers Achieve a Low-Pollen Landscape

by | Nov 2, 2019 | Landscaping

Plants use pollen for reproduction, making life difficult for anyone who is allergic to pollen. However, people are generally only allergic to certain types of pollen. Thus, it’s possible to hire Landscaping Services in Oshkosh WI to only do plantings that will not cause hay fever. The first step is to see an allergist to have testing done to identify the sources of unpleasant symptoms.

Although the person still must deal with the specific allergens from elsewhere in the neighborhood, research shows that most pollen doesn’t travel far from the plant. Having Landscaping Services in Oshkosh WI eliminate those plants from the property and plant different ones can help reduce symptoms dramatically.

Seasonal Allergies

Many people are allergic to weeds that grow at certain times of the year. Some individuals have worse symptoms in spring and others in late summer, as different plants grow at those times. Weeds in the yard should be removed as they appear and before they bloom. It should be noted that flowers of many weed plants do not look like actual flowers. Many people are allergic to ragweed, for instance, and the pollen-producing areas of those plants actually look like tiny peas.

Flowers to Plant

Professional landscapers can provide advice about which flowers produce the most pollen and which are low-pollen varieties. The high producers can be removed and others planted to replace them. Daffodils, tulips, impatiens and pansies are just a few examples of flowers that don’t produce much pollen.

Managing Grass Pollen

What if this person actually is allergic to grass pollen? First, landscapers might add more hard surfaces on the property. Brick pavers, for instance, can create a lovely patio area. Walkways can be installed as well.

Second, grass doesn’t produce pollen until it flowers. Many people don’t realize that lawn grass actually flowers if it’s left to grow long enough. That’s when the grass looks like a wheat field. Keeping the lawn manicured and trimming grass so it doesn’t spike up around trees, fence posts and elsewhere will end problems with grass pollen in the yard.

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