Learn About Shamanic Rituals

by | Sep 26, 2014 | Arts & Entertainment

Shamanic rituals have been in practice for thousands of years. Shamanic practitioners promote healing and utilize the messages of spirits and other deities to provide the sought after answers of healing and peace. The rituals that are performed can vary greatly, and span from sending healing spirits into the body of a sick person or communicating with those who have passed on to get messages across to those still living.

Embracing the power that Shamanic rituals can bring is something that can be learned, but it must be done properly. There are multiple specialties that are practiced by the teachers at LightSong School of Shamanic Studies and Energy Medicine to facilitate learning and understanding for all ages. Each teacher has their own personal relationship with the spirit can use their experience to create a unique link between the journeyer and the spirit. Classes can teach the spirit traveler how to renew their strength with the spirit, enhancing the communication process. This starts with quieting your mind and opening yourself to learning and intention. Learning how to shed old patters and replacing them with a purer image of peace and serenity will bring forth a healing force that you can use to touch others as well.

Through the use of shamanic drumming and journeying, a person gains the ability to leave behind their physical body and transcend planes to allow contact with the spirits on the other side and with their own spirit. Answers that were tucked away for centuries are exposed for their full potential.


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