Long Distance Moving Tips

by | Jan 25, 2016 | Moving

If you are planning to move, life can be inconvenient for some time. However, when your move is many miles from home and in another part of the country, it can cause some serious problems if not done properly. The kids will have to make all new friends and get used to new schools and you will be in a strange new neighborhood. Here are some helpful tips from your long distance movers in Raleigh, to help you have a successful move.

You Can’t Start Too Soon

As soon as you know you are making a long distance move, you should begin the planning process. Maybe it’s a year or six months away. This is a good thing, as you may need much more time than you think.

Start Downsizing

The longer distance you must move, the more expensive it is to haul your things. Your long distance movers in Raleigh have to consider things like fuel and space, and on a long haul these things are costly. This is why you should consider getting rid of as much stuff as possible. You probably have many things which are not worth a lot of money. In fact, it may cost more to ship them across the country than they are worth.

You have five basic options for downsizing:

* Have a garage sale
* Online auctions
* Donate items to charitable organizations
* Give things to friends or relatives
* Throw them away

Get an in Home Moving Estimate

Ask your long distance movers in Raleigh for an in home estimate. This is the most accurate way to estimate how much your moving expenses will be. Your movers come to your house and check out everything you have and they can talk to you about your needs, and show you several options.

Deal Directly with Your Long Distance Movers in Raleigh

Did you know not all moving services are actual movers? Some are just brokers who hook you up with movers. For best results, go with a moving company and not a brokerage. This way, you eliminate the middleman and this can keep your costs and miscommunication to a minimum.

Don’t Let Price be the Most Important Issue

When you check out long distance movers in Raleigh NC, some may be much cheaper than others. However, if you are quoted a price which seems far too cheap, something is probably wrong. Reputable movers charge affordable fees, but quality services are not always the cheapest. In other words, you get what you pay for.

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