Personal Injury Lawyers in Easton Can Help Recover Damages from an Accident

by | Nov 10, 2015 | Personal Injury

Any type of accident that is a negligent act of someone, which ends up with someone else needing medical treatment is considered a personal injury. This could be an event such as an auto accident, motorcycle accident, a slip and fall, medical negligence and a variety of other situations. The injuries do not have to be permanent in nature in order to contact personal injury lawyers in Easton. Compensation for pain and suffering and lost wages are covered by insurance companies, and a lawyer can help an individual acquire said compensation. The injured party should not be responsible for financial distress due to medical bills and lost wages.

Insurance companies usually like to settle as soon as possible after any type of accident that they know they’re insured client is negligent for by offering a small amount of money. It may be very tempting for the injured party to take the early offer from the insurance company, but if they do, there is never a chance to have any future medical bills or claims against the insurance company paid again. This is why it’s important to contact personal injury lawyers in Easton soon after an accident occurs that involves injuries. Understanding the legal claims that can be brought against a negligent party is what a lawyer can review with the injured party.

Medical malpractice also falls under personal injury law: medical mistakes occur through prescription errors and improper medical treatment for instance on babies while they’re being born. Physicians or nurses not properly monitoring a baby that could be in distress during childbirth could result in birth defects or death of the child. Although a lawyer is unable to fix the damage that was done to the precious child, they can help the family to gain the compensation that will need in order to pay for future medical care of the child.

The Law Office of Bruce S. Raphel PC has years of experience in personal injury cases, and they will fight hard for the injured party so they can obtain the settlement they are legally entitled to. Don’t settle immediately after an injury has occurred and speak with an experienced attorney first.

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