Pet Grooming Is a Spa Service at Pet Hotels

by | Dec 3, 2015 | Pets

Many animal care centers today offer a hotel for pet boarding as well as pet grooming services. Pet boarding today is vastly different from keeping your dog, for instance, at a kennel, as pet hotels offer the utmost in luxury.

Luxury Pet Accommodations

Dogs that stay at pet hotels enjoy window views from inside a homey décor. Every suite area provides such doggie amenities as a television and raised bed. Dogs munch on doggie treats and have personalized play time when not relaxing in their suite.

Cats also are catered to in the same aristocratic way. Every luxury is provided for the finicky feline, from cozy beds with a soft pillow to suites with such accessories as Tiffany lamps. Climbing structures are available for kitty, as well as lounging shelves. Laser tag playtime is offered, as well as kitty cat cuddles.

Cat Grooming Services

Grooming for cats includes such services as nail trims and files, teeth brushing, and soft paws applications. A gel nail cover is applied to prevent kitty-cat scratching. Massage therapy is offered as well as a bath package. Cats are shampooed and blow-dried and receive an external ear cleaning at the same time. Facial scrubs are available as well.

Spa services feature the use of shampoos that prevent fleas and ticks or cleaning agents that are hypoallergenic. Grooming services for cats include a sanitary shave in the area of the hind end (done to stop urine or fecal soiling of the fur), or full body shaves for long-haired breeds during the summertime. Groomers also can cut a cat’s hair so it resembles a miniature lion.

Grooming Services for Dogs

Pet grooming for canine patrons includes custom nail color and paw pad treatments for cracked pads, as well as facial scrubs and teeth brushing. Bathing services highlight the use of a premium shampoo and conditioner, along with a blow dry and external cleaning of the ears.

Just like cats, dogs can receive a full body shave during the warmer times of the year. The full body shave is recommended for medium and long-haired dog breeds or for dogs with matted hair. A body line trim keeps a dog looking slim and trim, and a breed clip, just like it sounds, is a customized haircut.

While dogs may not receive laser treatments to stay looking young, they can get puppy cuts, which make them look younger than their years. Pet grooming also includes de-matting to remove tangles or undercoat removal treatment. This type of spa treatment, which requires a special brush, minimizes doggie shedding and, therefore, owner allergies.

As you can see, a pet is truly a pampered pet when it visits a pet hotel with complimentary spa services. If you are planning on going on vacation, then you can send your pet on its own special vacation too.

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