Waterproofing Concrete Walls in Commercial Buildings – Basements Matter

Building owners today are dealing with the maintenance and repair problems that come with age, and many are experiencing wet basements. There are many circumstance that are most common that can cause water intrusion either through the walls or the floor, leaking wall cracks, joints in the basement floor and even bad or porous concrete.

Sealing the Basement for Your Health
Moisture problems in basements are very common, but often are not understood or properly treated. Basements that are connected to the rest of the building through ductwork or other openings or basements that are used as finished spaces cannot afford to have moisture problems. In these cases, moisture problems are not only uncomfortable but can lead to significant health problems. Molds and mildew can grow in damp carpets and beneath wall coverings. Finishing a basement without first dealing with the moisture problems can result in making health conditions worse and lead to significant damage as well. Basement water problems are repairable when you choose to waterproof concrete walls.

The Foundations of Waterproofing
External waterproofing of foundations is essential for every building with a basement. Foundations and retaining walls are constantly exposed to humidity. To avoid serious damage to the structure of your building or damage to your rooms, foundation waterproofing is a necessity. Waterproofing your property is the smartest choice you can make and most importantly, it is guaranteed for longer lasting results when the weather gets rough.

With winter just around the corner, preparation for severe weather is crucial. Winter can pose a significant danger to the integrity and stability of commercial buildings. Because of this, building owners are given suggestions to help protect their structures, such as protecting their foundations by waterproofing concrete walls.

During the cold months, your foundation is susceptible to a lot of shifting. When temperatures drop and rise, the soil freezes and expand, putting a lot of pressure on your foundation. This movement can cause significant damage, which could potentially leave you without a safe, reliable structure. Cracks, water leaking in or mold, or air that is musty means your basement could be suffering from water damage. When it comes to many commercial buildings, uninvited water is rarely a good sign.

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