What is an iSeries Mattress?

by | May 4, 2015 | Business

Serta was founded in 1931 and its products are amongst the most popular in the country today.

They were in the forefront of replacing tufted stuffed mattresses with their tuftless, box spring system which they named as their Perfect Sleeper®. Today, they offer three major product choices:-

* Good support – your weary bones need good support during sleep (especially those in your spine). Serta’s hybrid systems provide this without resorting to the old adage often quoted by doctors (“you have a bad back – try sleeping on wooden boards for a while’). Now you can get the support while you sleep soundly in soft comfort.

* natural Talalay latex – e.g. their Serta® Talalay Latex Foam

* gel infused memory foam – their iComfort® Sleep System

* inner-spring – their Perfect Sleeper® with Continuous Support® Innerspring and Triple Beam® and Stabl-Base® Foundation

Serta also produce hybrids based on the above and their iSeries® Hybrid Sleep System is a very popular line which combines the comfort of gel infused memory foam with an advanced innerspring system.

Features, Advantages And Benefits

* Cool Action™ Dual Effects Gel Memory Foam – Serta’s MicroCool+ gel can increase airflow through the mattress and better dissipate heat buildup below the sleeper’s body.  In addition, the natural airflow through the innerspring supports also assists in removing body heat. The sleeper remains cool but not cold and gets a good night’s uninterrupted sleep.

* Pressure relief – a sleeper’s shoulders, knees, elbows and ankles can all act as pressure points that trigger an unconscious desire to move the body. This is the cause of “tossing and turning” in your sleep. Relieve that pressure through a mix of memory foam, millions of MicroSupport® gel beads and correct springing and the sleeper can lie and undisturbed still all night long. Furthermore, when a couple are sharing a bed; this “sleep system” will mean that one partner will not be aware of any moves made by the other.

All of this might seem almost too good to be true but; it is reality and it is brought to you through years of dedicated research by the comfortable sleep experts at Serta. Who knows what innovations they will introduce next? Should you be looking for an Iseries Mattress In Jackson, MS; they are available at all 3 of the Mattress Direct stores in that area. Like us on.

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