Burial is a very important ritual in the Catholic Church. Seen as a bookend to a righteous life, everything from the location to the manner of burial is often planned months or even years in advance. Given that believers look forward to reuniting with one another in God’s presence after death, they take great care to lay their loved ones to rest in the meantime.
But can cremation fit into this plan? Is it considered acceptable in the eyes of God to cremate your loved one or choose cremation for yourself? Here is what you need to know about the Catholic perspective on cremation:
Preferences vs. Prohibitions
It is important to note that the Catholic Church continues to prefer traditional burial. The church sees this type of burial as showing the most respect for the deceased and their belief in life after death. However, the church has clarified, in a statement released in 2016, that cremation is not prohibited. The key to a Catholic cremation in Lafayette is to follow specific rules geared toward respect and reverence.
Catholic Cremation Guidelines
There are many cremation practices that the Catholic Church allows, such as holding a memorial service before or after the process. However, many of the more modern practices of keeping cremated remains in one’s home or creating jewelry or other mementos from the remains are prohibited by the church’s doctrine.
To observe Catholic burial traditions, cremated remains should be interred into the earth or a mausoleum. Specifically, Catholics also believe that deceased loved ones should be buried on sacred grounds, usually either attached to a church or designated as a sacred space by one.
While these rules may sound restrictive, they are designed with the deceased and their salvation in mind. Being buried on sacred grounds means that the deceased will continue to be prayed for, even after their own loved ones pass away. Likewise, it ensures that the body, even if cremated, will be ready when Christ returns for his followers and brings them together to enjoy eternal peace in His presence.
Talk to Queen of Heaven Cemetery & Funeral Center, a recognized cremation provider about these guidelines. They can help you ensure that your or your loved one’s cremation adheres to your beliefs.