Is Your Personal Injury Lawyer In Liberty Really Helping Your Case?

by | Aug 8, 2017 | Law Services

Being injured is a stressful time for anyone. Turning to an attorney in Liberty to represent you in your case should give the confidence and peace of mind in knowing that attorney is working in your best interests on the case.

However, not every personal injury lawyer is a good match for every person. Sometimes there are lawyers that are not as ethical or professional, and they may not have the experience they indicated when you first met. In this case, and in several others, it is important to understand that firing the attorney and finding the right legal representation is important.

Busy Lawyers

While a busy lawyer is typically an in-demand professional, attorneys can be too busy to provide the level of attention needed in your case. If you are having difficulties in talking to your attorney, in getting phone calls returned, or questions answered, it is time to look for a new personal injury lawyer.

Sometimes attorneys can take on too many clients at one time. This can often leave smaller value cases as a low priority, which hurts your chances for a timely settlement and the full attention your case deserves.

High Fees and Lack of Professionalism

At the initial evaluation of your case, the personal injury lawyer should have provided information about the costs and fees anticipated in your case. While there may be additional costs that occur due to unforeseen events in the case, experienced attorneys are very good at providing accurate costs and fees.

If you do need to fire an attorney in Liberty, be sure to read your contract and verify how to terminate the contract. Hire a new attorney after doing your due diligence, then write a letter to your current attorney to notify him or her of the termination of the relationship. In some cases, and depending on where the legal proceedings are in court, you may also have to inform the court of the change of attorney.

When you need an experienced, ethical and professional personal injury lawyer, talk to the experts at the Law Offices of Robert T. Eden, P.C. Additional information on our services can also be found at

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