If you could get rid of your varicose veins, would you do it? Most people who suffer from this common condition would say yes. After all, these veins are typically inconsequential in nature, serving no real purpose other than to make patients who have them look and feel worse than they should.
Thankfully, there are plenty of options for treating these unsightly veins. One of the most popular is sclerotherapy, which can help prepare veins for removal – or even make them nearly invisible.
What is Sclerotherapy?
Sclerotherapy can sound intimidating, but it is a reliable and safe option for varicose veins treatment in the Bay Area. It involves an injection directly into the affected area. This injection includes a chemical known as a sclerosing agent, which will cause the vein to collapse.
This chemical is safe to use in this way, but it can be less effective in larger veins. This is because the blood flowing through these veins can dilute the agent, making it far less potent. When this happens, it can take much longer to collapse problem veins – or prevent the collapse from happening at all.
Foam Sclerotherapy – Updating a Classic Treatment Option
These problems are why modern practitioners have created foam sclerotherapy. This update to the classic approach uses a thicker, foam-based sclerosing agent. This keeps the chemical in place, concentrating it in the affected veins.
This not only prevents the spread of the chemical agent to healthy nearby veins. It also improves the efficacy of the treatment, meaning fewer sessions are needed to achieve better, more beautiful finished results.
If you are ready to learn more about getting rid of those bothersome varicose veins, talk to a practitioner today. They can help you decide which treatment approach is best – and show you just how much better you can look and feel! Vein Specialty Medical Clinic